Stress and Anxiety

Today’s lifestyles are fast paced with many demands from work, or lack of it, to children, family and running the household, let alone finding any time for fun! Often whatever we are doing, we are working to capacity and then if something goes wrong, a relationship breaks down, a redundancy, a difficult boss, or teenager, we find we are kept awake at night thinking and problem solving rather than sleeping.
People who are suffering from stress and anxiety describe feeling anxious, or fearful, apprehensive or worried and irritable. They may also experience physical symptoms such as tiredness due to sleeplessness, a rapid heartbeat, palpitations and dizziness.
If you are feeling stressed or anxious then you are not alone, stress and anxiety is one of the most common problems which brings people to counselling. Counselling can help you gain a better understanding of the triggers, or causes of your stress and anxiety with a view to you either managing your life differently, or developing coping strategies for your day to day life.
Whatever you are feeling, if you would like to find out more, I offer counselling in Seaford, in comfortable rooms. A 50 minute no obligation consultation for £60, to describe the issues you are facing and ask any questions you may need.